Seventeen years ago, on July 19, 1992 in Via D'Amelio in Palermo boasted one of the saddest days of the Italian republican history, on that occasion killed the anti-mafia judge Paolo Borsellino and five other officers of his escort after a cowardly attack of Cosa Nostra. Today, we who grew up in the din of that deafening roar that split the anti-mafia and mafia in Palermo, we join with all those who do not want to forget and believe in a different future for Sicily and Italy, focusing on justice and freedom. A future the fresh smell of freedom that is opposed to the stench of moral compromise, indifference, and then the contiguity of complicity. The anti-Mafia you can only win if the ideas that Borsellino and many other victims of organized crime were carriers, continue to live in the hearts and heads of all of us. Only then will their sacrifice will never be in vain and Italy will be on the light of hope.