From the Right looking urgently for fear that the scandals may undermine the Prime Minister of the majority in regional elections. From left him looking for the opposite reason. But it was a summer policy of those who like to Pier Ferdinando Casini, "summer special" bitter smiles of the leaders of the Centre, for a long time silent and be careful not to meddle in the political tussle built on affaires . "Never before at this time," warns Casini in this exclusive interview with Famiglia Cristiana, "we feel the policy limit based on the opposition and controversy, but what kind of society we want to build? What are the models we want to for our children? The resignation letter from the Director of Future, Dino Boffo, is an extraordinary human document, and political. A cry of complaint that is likely to mark an era. From the pages of your newspaper I want to express to Boffo All my love and my sympathy. "
- Why did you decide to talk?
"For the case of the Director of Future goes well beyond the substance of the story: it is the metaphor of a power that seeks approval.
- If so, how did we get here?
"The PDL and its leaders are changing dangerously. In the general elections were excised any item on the alliances that did not allow the complete addiction to the will of the head. On this land they were born, the clash with the UDC and the delivery of the keys to the League of Italian politics. It is indeed ironic that now rely on the mediation by the Vatican to Bossi and Calderoli! Within the PDL is the prevailing world-view and Italian politicians, headed by director of the Newspaper Victor Felts. Other than Gianni Letta ... In "Boffo case, you hit a journalist who has made opposition to the government, but who, in an action that can be defined very carefully to the views of the majority, allows to address a criticism of behavior President of the Council. But when Future, in the days following the resignation of Boffo, speaks of "videoindecenza", captures the crux of a fundamental question of the freedom of private media and especially public. Just imagine that the same call of the Pope to Cardinal Bagnasco was virtually obscured by the main news. Clearly the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing the government of concrete things with a kind of self-representation of reality and for this we must expunge all the elements that are not in total conformity with an ideological bias. "
- There is an emergency in your opinion between the Democratic power and information?
"I do not like certain words, but I want a country where people like me can continue to disagree with Santoro. Not a country in which to turn off the voice of Santoro. Who has a hundred votes of a majority in Parliament to govern the country and confront the issues raised by the opposition. Here one day he attacked the European Union, the day after you wear in court papers, the third might delight us with Putin and Gaddafi ... A frenzy of one against all that ends up being self-defeating for Italy and for the same prime minister. I wonder what kind of ending the political risks of having this term, playing in the name of bipartisanship and self- and already bogged down. "
- The attempt by the right and left ...
"We are willing to make alliances only on the basis of the facts, not words, promises and posts. Who came in the middle of the seats they have lost. With the idea of \u200b\u200bpolitics that is advancing, the distances between us and them widen. My fear is that the story of these days you may become a metaphor for the country: the crisis has great potential to make the reforms that need, and instead we bask in saying that Italy first became aware of the other countries of the crisis and it is coming out better. Allow me to plead: just think of the initial choices of the Government and four billion euro that threatens to cost the Italians the madness of Alitalia. I think that, sooner or later, someone will answer. And what happened to the commitment to introduce the "family quotient" on the account which we call the beginning of the term? It was our duty to help families, and yet nothing, tabula rasa, while the parents still do not know if they will have the full-time in school or not. "
- The fact remains that for the regional elections must choose. And what do you think the Democratic Party?
"I hope that the new secretary face a choice of long-term, strategic. If the Democratic Party must be asked one day the problem of the PRC, the day after that of Di Pietro, and the next of the Radical Party, eventually certify the existence of a strong minority government without calling for the country. The alternative of government is not created by denouncing the sexual performance of the President of the Council, but having an idea of \u200b\u200bItaly that can not meet the same way Rifondazione, Di Pietro and moderates. It should also be a new sensitivity to ethical issues, breaking down old barriers that lead to the moderate left does not understand that many issues in the Catholic world are combined with a modern society that does not forget the man and his values. If this lack of communication will remain between the left and the Catholic world, there will be never a serious alternative. As for the regional elections, we do not have the vocation to solitude, we will evaluate each case on the basis of a concrete idea of \u200b\u200bthe events, programs and people. But faced with a situation like this, I say we will not pull the hair from anyone; go again alone does not scare us. "
- Where brings you this position?
"It allows us and allow us to be leaders of an Italy that we want to build different, because it is clear that after Mr Berlusconi has already begun. At the end of this legislature we will understand if you can build a government proposal that amends by populism and radicalism ideological. Ending, however, to degenerate into racism '.- The League and the Government are wrong on immigration? "We're all for respecting the rules, and those who make mistakes pay. But we have to supplement, not reject. My grandfather and all his family became the quarantine on Ellis Island and two decades of immigration into the United States. Our chromosomes are these and instead instills hatred every day. "
- What do you think of when Fini said that laws do not have to do the Vatican?
"The law has never made the Vatican. But who thinks that they need her Italian legislators can not believe that the Catholic lawmakers decline to defend their beliefs. The law on artificial insemination has had a very strong support of the center of many parliamentarians, who have not responded to calls of hierarchies but only and only to their conscience. Speaker of the House, I am sure in the coming months will be the guardian not only of their beliefs, but also the ethical beliefs of those who, in the name of life, and the future of their children, has different ideas from her. "
William Nardocci