Sunday, November 22, 2009
Discostu Dei Simpson Costume
Albenga. It 'started from a few minutes the solemn ceremony of blessing the site of the new Polo education in the diocese of Albenga. The first declarations of the bishop, Monsignor Mario Oliveri, were full of pride and hope for the future of this new reality: "This is an important moment for our entire community, Christian and otherwise. In this yard there are two buildings where you can do one of the main functions of our church, namely the education and preparation for life. " There is no room for controversy today, the Bishop points out, referring to discussions with the council Albenga asking the diocese to pay the costs of urbanization.
"This is not the day to talk about these things - I repeat - and still use the term" controversy " I think too much. Of course, with the town of Albenga there was a lively debate, but as planned, playing a role in education comparable to public school, it is fitting that this center is recognized for all purposes as a private school. "
The total cost of the new pole is 8 million euro - from the reorganization of the Church property and the donation of Mrs. Mary Preve - and work, according to reports, will be completed in 900 days, then by October 2011. Meanwhile, during the ceremony, which saw the laying of the cornerstone of the future complex, was also read a message from the UDC leader Pier Ferdinando Casini, who was unable to attend despite the invitation made in recent days.
Present, however, the President of the Province of Savona Angelo Vaccarezza that calls this an "important day for Albenga and throughout the province since it will expand the training offer of the territory at a time when the Economic crisis impedes investment field of education. "Furthermore - he added Vaccarezza - it guarantees full freedom of choice for children and families. Albenga is a city just lucky, for this educational center, but also for future new school campus. "
"We are grateful for his commitment to the Diocese, Albenga we are working to build up the public school campus to provide a further opportunity for this area: a statement addressed to the most qualified young people, with an extensive teaching program - said the mayor of Albenga Antonello Tabb -. The pole for the diocesan process was really tiring, but with this first symbolic stone really important part of a project. I thank the councilors for voting vary the planning for this new training center. "