''With great pain, matured in silence and without receiving any feedback to my expressions addressed to someone I decided to leave the group because of the PDL 'I feel a growing discomfort that does not allow me more' to live peacefully my political life.''
Words Gabriella Mondelli, deputy of the PDL and two other legislatures Fi, formerly mayor of Genoa, who left to join Berlusconi's party UDC. Words contained in the letter sent to Fabrizio Cicchitto, chairman of the Members of the PDL, to announce his decision.
With her leave the PDL also the former regional secretary of Liguria that John Boitano Casini, together with the Secretary Lorenzo Cesa, has agreed in UDC files and appointed commissioner for the province of Genoa.
The new arrivals''''were presented at a press conference just by Casini said that''as the two leave the government and a party that has power to enter into a much larger 'small. Usually the opposite happens: perhaps-said-and 'the beginning of a landslide.''
''I believed in Forza Italy, I waited for the PDL-still Mondello said in his letter, but I had to sadly acknowledge that the PDL in my region is not only there was no freedom 'rule and dominate but cynicism and arrogance .'' Eager for a different policy''''Gabriella Mondello said he had found''nell'Udc friendliness' and hospitality and arrogance''that has been in the PDL.
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