This year marks two important anniversaries related to the figure of Don Luigi Sturzo the ninetieth anniversary of the appeal to 'free and strong' and today the fiftieth anniversary the death of the most representative and current theorist of Catholics in politics.
Don Luigi Sturzo that as early as December 1905, from Caltagirone, indicating a difficult path with these words: "Now I reckon that the time has come for Catholics to get down to flush the other in national life, not only as custodians of religion or as a permanent army of religious leaders who take to the war being waged, but as representatives of a popular trend in the development of national and civil life ...", was unclear what would constitute participation in politics, a party "independent, free and strong, who ventures on to the national struggles of life, "a party does not" clerical " in which the Christian inspiration would do veil to secularism, "we would love - writing - that Catholics do not bear the title of our party, a party of" center "does not moderate, but" tempered ", rooted in society and the territory , combining design and reform of the state in accordance with principles of subsidiarity and solidarity.
E 'in January 1919, with an appeal to "free and strong" that Don Luigi Sturzo based on:
"Italian Popular Party
To all free men and strong, that in this grave hour feel the high duty to cooperate in the higher country, without prejudice or bias, we appeal to you to advocate joined together in their entirety the ideals of justice and freedom. And while representatives of the winning Nations meet to prepare the foundations for a just and lasting peace, the political parties of every country must contribute to strengthen those trends and principles which will apply to avert any danger of further wars, to establish a stable Nations, to implement the ideals of social justice and improve the general conditions of employment, to develop the spiritual and material enrgie of all countries united in the bond of the solemn "League of Nations." And as it is not right to compromise the benefits of victory won with huge sacrifices made to defend the rights of peoples and to the highest ideals of civil, so it is essential duty to healthy democracies and popular governments find the real balance of rights with the supreme national interest and international reasons for the peaceful progress of the perennial società .Perciò support the political agenda and moral heritage of Christian nations, remembered the first word from narrow and now advocated by Wilson as a key element of the future world order, and reject the imperialist rulers and the people who create violent mature roused therefore ask that the League of Nations recognizes the right national aspirations, to hasten the advent of universal disarmament, of abolishing the secret Treaties to implement the freedom of the seas, in international relations advocate social legislation, the Equality labor, religious freedom against oppression of any sect, has the strength of the penalty and the means to protect the rights of the weak nations against the overwhelming trend of the future of our best forti.Al Italy - secure within its borders and seas that around - that by virtue of her children, the sacrifices of the war has accomplished by winning its unity and national consciousness rinsaldta, we dedicate all our activities with enthusiasm and fervor of enlightened propositi.Ad strongly centralized state tends to a limit and adjust all power and all organic civic and individual activities, we want to replace a constitutional on the ground was very popular, which recognizes the limits of its activities, that respects the nuclei and the natural organisms - the family, classes, municipalities - which respects the individual personality and encourage private initiatives. And because the state is the most sincere expression of popular will, we ask the Parliamentary Reform Institute on the basis of proportional representation, not excluding the votes of women, and the Senate elected as direct representation of national, academic, administrative and trade union We want reform of the judiciary and the bureaucracy and the simplification of legislation, we call upon the legal recognition of classes, municipal autonomy, the reform of the Provincial Government and the wider devolution in unity regionali.Ma these reforms would be useless without the content if not claimed, as the soul of the new company, the true meaning of freedom, corresponding to the civic maturity of our people and the highest development of his energies: religious freedom, not only to individuals but also to Church, for the explanation of his spiritual mission in the world, freedom of teaching, without monopolies, freedom organizations to class without preferences and privileges of party; freedom according to the municipal and local traditions italiche.Questo glorious ideal of freedom does not tend to disorganize the state but is essentially organic in the renewal of energies and activities, which must find the center coordination, exploitation, protection and progressive development. Energy, which must be composed in private life that can stop or change the current disintegration, unrest brought on behalf of a systematic class struggle and anarchist revolution and draw people from the soul the elements for the conservation and progress, giving value to ' power and authority as an exponent of popular sovereignty and with the collaboration sociale.Le rifrome necessary and urgent in the field of social security and welfare, in employment law, training and protection of small property must aim at the elevation of the working classes, while the 'increase of economic forces in the country, increasing production, firm and fair settlement of customs procedures, tax reform, the development of the merchant marine, the solution of the problem in the South, the internal colonization of large estates, re-education and the fight against illiteracy will be worth to overcoming the crisis of the post- War and hoarded the fruits of legitimate and desired vittoria.Ci present political life in our flag moral and social, inspiring them to balance principles of Christianity that consecrated the great civilizing mission of Italy; mission today, the new set of people must shine in the face of attempts at imperialism in the face of new anarchist upheavals of great empires have fallen in the face of socialist democracy that attempt the materialization of any identity in the face of sectarian old liberalism, which resist the power of centralized state organization to the new currents affrancatrici.A all free men morally and socially advanced, to those who love the country know the right way to join the and national rights of the interests with a healthy internationalism, to those who appreciate and respect the moral virtues of our people, on behalf of the Italian Popular Party we appeal and ask the membership to our Programma.Roma, there Jan. 18, 1919 "Regionalism
"For many it was believed until now that the issues of decentralization, local autonomy and the constitution of the region were be left to the teachers and the municipalities, because public opinion and the mass of men are not members of it are passionate about these problems, we followed it almost unconsciously in the direction which the policy has led to bureaucratic Italian as his special task: empty, ie, free and independent administration of each specific task, to make the administrative and accounting policy tool to reduce to simple activities subject to, and given, what was supposed to be free event and administrative activities and responsible. On the other hand, any further form of activity, especially in the social field, was organized by the center to the outside of any elected body, representative of interests Overall, while tending to the formation of organs classist, special, particularistic, which was therefore deprived of the characteristic organic and freedom, the very fact that rely on elements of political-bureaucratic reason summary and the final decision of any question Technical and amministrativa.Quali and how many committees, commissions, advisory arrived, autonomy, in the prefectures and government ministries, he can not know anyone, and will be difficult to make a guide for the perfect city, which gave the wire news Arianna, sure to turn the maze of our bureaucracy. As a last expression of this trend, since before the war, but accelerated during After the war, were created monopolies, corporations, associations, federations, institutes administrative, commercial and industrial, in order to get to solve a nagging problem, to escape the excessive state control and bureaucratic administrative barriers built by hand the skill for the so-called game of blame, responsibility or bounce, and at the same time have the money of the state, outside of that primary liability policy, which compels the Minister to answer for his actions to parliament. "(From speech by Don Luigi Sturzo the Third Congress of the Italian Popular Party).
Don Luigi Sturzo that as early as December 1905, from Caltagirone, indicating a difficult path with these words: "Now I reckon that the time has come for Catholics to get down to flush the other in national life, not only as custodians of religion or as a permanent army of religious leaders who take to the war being waged, but as representatives of a popular trend in the development of national and civil life ...", was unclear what would constitute participation in politics, a party "independent, free and strong, who ventures on to the national struggles of life, "a party does not" clerical " in which the Christian inspiration would do veil to secularism, "we would love - writing - that Catholics do not bear the title of our party, a party of" center "does not moderate, but" tempered ", rooted in society and the territory , combining design and reform of the state in accordance with principles of subsidiarity and solidarity.
E 'in January 1919, with an appeal to "free and strong" that Don Luigi Sturzo based on:
"Italian Popular Party
To all free men and strong, that in this grave hour feel the high duty to cooperate in the higher country, without prejudice or bias, we appeal to you to advocate joined together in their entirety the ideals of justice and freedom. And while representatives of the winning Nations meet to prepare the foundations for a just and lasting peace, the political parties of every country must contribute to strengthen those trends and principles which will apply to avert any danger of further wars, to establish a stable Nations, to implement the ideals of social justice and improve the general conditions of employment, to develop the spiritual and material enrgie of all countries united in the bond of the solemn "League of Nations." And as it is not right to compromise the benefits of victory won with huge sacrifices made to defend the rights of peoples and to the highest ideals of civil, so it is essential duty to healthy democracies and popular governments find the real balance of rights with the supreme national interest and international reasons for the peaceful progress of the perennial società .Perciò support the political agenda and moral heritage of Christian nations, remembered the first word from narrow and now advocated by Wilson as a key element of the future world order, and reject the imperialist rulers and the people who create violent mature roused therefore ask that the League of Nations recognizes the right national aspirations, to hasten the advent of universal disarmament, of abolishing the secret Treaties to implement the freedom of the seas, in international relations advocate social legislation, the Equality labor, religious freedom against oppression of any sect, has the strength of the penalty and the means to protect the rights of the weak nations against the overwhelming trend of the future of our best forti.Al Italy - secure within its borders and seas that around - that by virtue of her children, the sacrifices of the war has accomplished by winning its unity and national consciousness rinsaldta, we dedicate all our activities with enthusiasm and fervor of enlightened propositi.Ad strongly centralized state tends to a limit and adjust all power and all organic civic and individual activities, we want to replace a constitutional on the ground was very popular, which recognizes the limits of its activities, that respects the nuclei and the natural organisms - the family, classes, municipalities - which respects the individual personality and encourage private initiatives. And because the state is the most sincere expression of popular will, we ask the Parliamentary Reform Institute on the basis of proportional representation, not excluding the votes of women, and the Senate elected as direct representation of national, academic, administrative and trade union We want reform of the judiciary and the bureaucracy and the simplification of legislation, we call upon the legal recognition of classes, municipal autonomy, the reform of the Provincial Government and the wider devolution in unity regionali.Ma these reforms would be useless without the content if not claimed, as the soul of the new company, the true meaning of freedom, corresponding to the civic maturity of our people and the highest development of his energies: religious freedom, not only to individuals but also to Church, for the explanation of his spiritual mission in the world, freedom of teaching, without monopolies, freedom organizations to class without preferences and privileges of party; freedom according to the municipal and local traditions italiche.Questo glorious ideal of freedom does not tend to disorganize the state but is essentially organic in the renewal of energies and activities, which must find the center coordination, exploitation, protection and progressive development. Energy, which must be composed in private life that can stop or change the current disintegration, unrest brought on behalf of a systematic class struggle and anarchist revolution and draw people from the soul the elements for the conservation and progress, giving value to ' power and authority as an exponent of popular sovereignty and with the collaboration sociale.Le rifrome necessary and urgent in the field of social security and welfare, in employment law, training and protection of small property must aim at the elevation of the working classes, while the 'increase of economic forces in the country, increasing production, firm and fair settlement of customs procedures, tax reform, the development of the merchant marine, the solution of the problem in the South, the internal colonization of large estates, re-education and the fight against illiteracy will be worth to overcoming the crisis of the post- War and hoarded the fruits of legitimate and desired vittoria.Ci present political life in our flag moral and social, inspiring them to balance principles of Christianity that consecrated the great civilizing mission of Italy; mission today, the new set of people must shine in the face of attempts at imperialism in the face of new anarchist upheavals of great empires have fallen in the face of socialist democracy that attempt the materialization of any identity in the face of sectarian old liberalism, which resist the power of centralized state organization to the new currents affrancatrici.A all free men morally and socially advanced, to those who love the country know the right way to join the and national rights of the interests with a healthy internationalism, to those who appreciate and respect the moral virtues of our people, on behalf of the Italian Popular Party we appeal and ask the membership to our Programma.Roma, there Jan. 18, 1919 "Regionalism
"For many it was believed until now that the issues of decentralization, local autonomy and the constitution of the region were be left to the teachers and the municipalities, because public opinion and the mass of men are not members of it are passionate about these problems, we followed it almost unconsciously in the direction which the policy has led to bureaucratic Italian as his special task: empty, ie, free and independent administration of each specific task, to make the administrative and accounting policy tool to reduce to simple activities subject to, and given, what was supposed to be free event and administrative activities and responsible. On the other hand, any further form of activity, especially in the social field, was organized by the center to the outside of any elected body, representative of interests Overall, while tending to the formation of organs classist, special, particularistic, which was therefore deprived of the characteristic organic and freedom, the very fact that rely on elements of political-bureaucratic reason summary and the final decision of any question Technical and amministrativa.Quali and how many committees, commissions, advisory arrived, autonomy, in the prefectures and government ministries, he can not know anyone, and will be difficult to make a guide for the perfect city, which gave the wire news Arianna, sure to turn the maze of our bureaucracy. As a last expression of this trend, since before the war, but accelerated during After the war, were created monopolies, corporations, associations, federations, institutes administrative, commercial and industrial, in order to get to solve a nagging problem, to escape the excessive state control and bureaucratic administrative barriers built by hand the skill for the so-called game of blame, responsibility or bounce, and at the same time have the money of the state, outside of that primary liability policy, which compels the Minister to answer for his actions to parliament. "(From speech by Don Luigi Sturzo the Third Congress of the Italian Popular Party).
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