A comedy, Plautus and Terence could not think of a better and characters were all there! This was "BallarĂ²" last night and if we think that this is reality .. .. well, it's more like a Greek tragedy! We are slowly coming to the brink, we leave behind us our ideals, our values, common sense and respect for all: the state Songolo individual. The protagonists are avid once again, as we do every day for a year now, on the private life of a person. That is the only starting point for debate from which they can obtain a speech! And the problems of Italians?! Fortunately, in mid-transmission Casini spoke curbing the "casino" has arisen in the study: <<>>. Real problems of foreign policy, but the characters in the study can not support the speech and you go back to bickering. La Russa has said: >.... < Bindi? .. In Brawl? .. At that Casini, reasonable person, rightly decided to leave, but it was like watching some show if she Moira Orfei left the studio! In the present study was a majority not only contentious but rather that he did not know how to respond to the need to be made this casino, its structural reforms to be undertaken in times of crisis. Intervention was needed for someone to resolve the situation and remove the embarrassment of poor reasoning of the majority here and then get the intervention of "Deus ex machina", just like any Greek tragedy worthy of respect. The speech is moved back on justice and digression that "very little about the problems of Italians." Who said this last sentence?! New casino. You could try to quote it, but it was the only reasonable person and re-center the theme of the discussion! What happened after is an apology not required by someone who believes not only "primus inter pares "but" superior "peer reviews" implicitly acknowledging an unacceptable conflict of interest and not making the slightest ammenda.La spontaneous thing that is to say now is: we believe in ourselves, we treasure our ability, ideas and skills. We have values \u200b\u200band ideals rooted, it is difficult but not impossible to create a real alternative, a new Nation Party, where unity, morality, sound principles and cohesion are our main points! Further down, so Italy can not just come down and we found ourselves in a situation that someone so well described before: <<>>.
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