web comics UBC the unexpected and happy news! : D
That is, by March 3 will be available in Italy, published by Panini, the volume of TRUE BLOOD, containing all the books of the miniseries!
miniseries drawn by David Messina (thanks uu), and with many fine flashback within it, drawn from so many other beautiful people.
In number 4, with flashbacks to Sam, there are my! On the site of UBC
find a preview of one of my tables 6 fantastic dog!
I think now I might even post them all, I think.
inform me and published, stay tuned! ;)
AFTER 10 MIN OF EDIT *** ***:
ok, I can post them!
not practice such things are "segretenonpostarenullapercarità" and I was afraid to mess!
Here are 6 boards, b / w / gray and colored version of the undersigned by Giovanna Niro! :)

the volume will be previewed at Mantova Comics and my reasons to come here are just increased ... :)
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